[Notice] Absence and addition of invited players

[Notice] Among the invited players, the following players were absent.

  • KIMITEI Wilfred (Kenya)
    Reason/Due to injury
  • NAKANO Daichi
    Reason/Due to injury

[Notice] The following players have been added to the invited players.

KIBIWOTT Mathew Sang (Kenya)
birth: 1986 (37)
personal best record: 2:09:20
(Malaga 2022)

  • Feel KOBE 神戶官方旅遊網站
  • 兵庫導航英語(發佈時依神戶市、兵庫縣、東京馬拉松順序排列)
  • 作為一個東京馬拉松 2022
  • 東北/宮城重建馬拉松
  • 熊本城馬拉松
  • 仙台國際半程馬拉松
  • 黃金海岸馬拉松
  • 六甲市馬拉松
  • 加古川馬拉松
  • 世界遺產姬路城馬拉松
  • 丹波筱山ABC馬拉松
  • 世界田徑
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  • 馬拉松挑戰杯
  • 雅培世界馬拉松專業